We know visiting a new church can be intimidating. At Highland, you can expect friendly people, thoughtful worship, and gospel-centered preaching.
What is a worship service like?
Our worship is simple and designed to keep the focus on God, not ourselves. One of the first things visitors sometimes notice is that we do not have a choir or musical instruments. We sing and do it with all our hearts. There are also prayers and scripture readings from the Bible. One of our preaching ministers will share Biblical teachings and direct our thoughts toward a variety of spiritual topics, which will hopefully challenge and encourage you.
Every Sunday, we take time to observe communion (the Lord’s Supper). We want the cross to be the center of our church, so we cherish this weekly reminder of what God did through Jesus. We don’t want to forget! If you wish to observe communion with us, we have individual tokens of bread and fruit of the vine available to pick up in baskets at the entrances of the auditorium.
We also provide an opportunity for our Highland members to give financially to the church. Our guests are not asked to contribute, but members are encouraged to pray for church leaders to use the funds entrusted to them wisely.
What about my kids?
We love our kids at Highland! There are Bible classes for every age (newborns thru 12th grade), as well as for adults. Any of our members would be glad to help you find your classroom, and there are flyers available at the Welcome Center with class locations and names of your child’s teacher(s). Our nursery is also available for use during worship services.
Where do I park and enter?
We have designated visitor parking on the west side of the building, but feel free to park anywhere and enter through the covered drive-through.
What should I wear?
Whatever you feel is appropriate. Some of our members dress up, and some dress casually. Our focus is not on who wears what, but that people connect and grow in faith.